Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

CNC komponente

[es] :: 3D modelovanje :: CAD/CAM :: CNC komponente

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[ Pregleda: 41438 | Odgovora: 22 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 14989
Poruke: 60


icon CNC komponente13.10.2003. u 17:37 - pre 251 meseci
Zanima me zna li ko gdje se mogu nabaviti komponente za cnc gravirnu glodalicu i konstrukciono rješenje.
Odgovor na temu

global village

Član broj: 12731
Poruke: 21


icon Re: CNC komponente15.10.2003. u 01:30 - pre 251 meseci

Znas li ti koliko to kosta ?

Step motor oko 130 Ncm je oko 100 evra ,treba ti tri komada ,navojno vreteno 16/5 je oko 50 evra po metru a kraca su jos i skuplja ,matica sa kuglicama za to vreteno je takodje oko 50 evra ,jedan metar elementarne samo aksijalne vodjice je takodje 50 evra ,na tu vodjicu dolaze i takozvana kolica koja kostaju oko 100 evra po komadu a za jednu osu ti treba cetvoro kolica ...dalje racunaj sam.

Kad sve to kupis treba neko da ti napravi gvozdenu konstrukciju koja onda treba da se pobrusi pre nego sto se na nju montira radna povrsina koja treba da omoguci prihvat tj ucvrscenje materijala koji obradjujes.Preporucujem ITEM-ove ekstrudirane aluminijske profile za radne ploce.Ima i kod nas da se kupi ,6 metara profila sirine 145 mm za oko 150 evra.

Kad i to uradis dolazi na red elektronika ,ajde recimo da si imao srece da si nabavio motore do 2.5 A po fazi pa ces vec nekako sa L297 i L298 da izvuces optimum u samogradnji ili recimo kupis za 100 evra gotov pogon koji se kaci na paralelni port i ne zahteva dodatni PLC kao sto ima recimo na

Dobro eto sve si to zavrsio ali treba ti i napajanje ,choperski pogon step motora zahteva mnogo vise napona od deklarisanog na motorima a struja ostaje ista ,znaci 3 motora po 2.5 A to je aj da kazemo 8A a napon recimo za L298 za optimalan rad je oko 40-45 V sto opet govori da nece biti lako osim ako ne mislis da motas klasicni trafo ali ni to nije jeftino.

E sad kad si i to savladao treba da savladas i software.Prvo ti treba software za pogon same masine preko paralelnog porta ,ja recimo koristim turbocnc ,to je free,ima na netu,ali treba ti program koji generise NC code,a treba takodje da objasnis svom programu da li tvoja masina interpretira modalno ili non-modalno da li su I i J parametri G02 i G03 komande inkrementalni ili apsolutni a sve to se zadaje u posebnom delu CAM programa koji se zove post procesor.Sve u svemu prvo treba dobro prouciti ISO G-code pa tek onda preci na proucavanje tesko dostupnog kvalitetnog softwarea kao sto je na primer AlphaCam.

I na kraju cemu to sluzi a usput jos i ne radi!


Znam zasto sam ovo ispricao
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 14989
Poruke: 60


icon Re: CNC komponente15.10.2003. u 09:52 - pre 251 meseci
Sve je to uredu u vezi cijene.
A zašto su manja navojna vretena skuplja,mogu sam da napravim gvozdenu konstrukciju samo me zanima oblik,učvršćenja,preziznost izrade...i zna li neko neki 3D laser skener koje firme.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 14989
Poruke: 60


icon Re: CNC komponente24.10.2003. u 04:15 - pre 251 meseci
Znači niko nezna ništa o CNC.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 3657
Poruke: 87


icon Re: CNC komponente28.10.2003. u 14:11 - pre 250 meseci

Mene zanima elektronika (seme, pcb i uputsvo) za povezivanje step motora sa kompjuterom.
Odgovor na temu

Centar Svijeta

Član broj: 7587
Poruke: 138


icon Re: CNC komponente09.12.2003. u 18:24 - pre 249 meseci
gotove cnc routere mozete naruciti na
Šansa je sklona spremnome umu !!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 21013
Poruke: 2


icon Re: CNC komponente09.06.2004. u 13:30 - pre 243 meseci
Nedostaje mi jedan od ova dva, zaboravio sam koji, iz kataloga Radio Kluba u Timockoj 18. Da li je neko video negde
(Cene su u radio klubu)
10. L297 STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL 20pin 1 479.04 479.2
11. L298N POWER DRIVER 15pin 1 383.40 383.4
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 24822
Poruke: 3


icon Re: CNC komponente09.06.2004. u 20:40 - pre 243 meseci
Da dopunim sebe, L298 nedostaje. Dapace, nema ga ni u Mikro-Princ ni ITC. Gde mogu da potrazim jos? Da li ga neko ima na lageru i hoce da ga ustupi(po razumnoj ceni)?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 24822
Poruke: 3


icon Re: CNC komponente10.06.2004. u 19:49 - pre 243 meseci
Danas sam ga nasao(L298), Japan Electronic, Pariske komune 59a, i sto je jos lepse, jeftiniji su od Radio Kluba u Timockoj. U ponedeljek dobijam i stampane plocice. Igra moze da pocne.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 22897
Poruke: 145

+1 Profil

icon Re: CNC komponente05.07.2004. u 21:29 - pre 242 meseci
Interesuje me misljenje "mac"-a posto vidim da je odlicno upucen u CNC tehniku koliko bi u globalu kostala izrada jedne masine za CNC obradu modela za camce, skutere isl poput ove na sajtu nemackog proizvodjaca [url][/url].

Ideja je po meni odlicna. Ultralaka konstrukcija od kompozitnih materijala koja i ne zahteva veliku krutost a velika brzina rezanja. Mozda ne mozemo da pravimo petoosne glodalice za precizne pozicije ali ovo bi po meni mogao da bude odlican posao.

Odgovor na temu

global village

Član broj: 12731
Poruke: 21


icon Re: CNC komponente25.07.2004. u 23:47 - pre 241 meseci

Sjajna ideja o kojoj dugo razmisljam,mozda bi mogli da pravimo posao ako imas trziste ?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 20256
Poruke: 55


icon Re: CNC komponente10.09.2004. u 08:31 - pre 240 meseci
Imam dve profi masine 3d CNC za prodaju
informacije 018590032
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 40829
Poruke: 2


icon Re: CNC komponente30.11.2004. u 21:53 - pre 237 meseci
mozes da probas da nadjes nekog zastupnika za rexroth star komponente,skf ima u ponudi nesto ali rade po narudzbi,mislim da bi ti najpovoljnije bilo da probas sa iselom ,postoji predstavnistvo u ulici majke jevrosime u bg-u.imaju sve sto bi moglo da ti zatreba .
Odgovor na temu

inzenjering_u _rikverc

Član broj: 83797
Poruke: 2


icon Re: CNC komponente05.02.2006. u 15:02 - pre 223 meseci
za sve cnc entuzijaste najbolja web starnica na svijetu
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 33989
Poruke: 109


icon Re: CNC komponente26.02.2006. u 16:11 - pre 222 meseci
Sve preporuke za!
Jedno me interesuje da ne otvaram novu temu.
Gde u zemlji srbiji moze da se kupi zubcasti kajis kao onaj iz stampaca samo da je duzi i da nije polovno(da vijam servise itd..) ?
Gde moze da se kupi navojno vreteno od ~500mm oko 10mm precnik (ne znam tacne oznake za trapezne navoje) i koja je cena? I jel moze da se koristi kao alternativa obican Metricki navoj M10x500mm (ovo mogu lako naci) sa navrtkom napravljenom da ekstra naleze tj da nema zazora? U pitanju je mali hoby cnc projekat
Odgovor na temu

Sam svoj majstor

Član broj: 80861
Poruke: 426

+4 Profil

icon Re: CNC komponente26.02.2006. u 18:13 - pre 222 meseci
trebaš kuglična navojna vretena , a ne neke trapezne ili dr!

flexmatic beograd ima sve to

ali...cena remena koji tražiš je nešto što bi te moglo pogoditi...

...da ne zaboravim..10mm vreteno je duplo skuplje od 16mm !
ima još toga što ne piše...a može dobro da izbija lovu...

[Ovu poruku je menjao cnc-project dana 26.02.2006. u 19:21 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 45169
Poruke: 103

+2 Profil

icon Re: CNC komponente03.03.2006. u 08:27 - pre 222 meseci
Ne otvarajući posebnu temu napraviću mali upad sa pitanjem: Može li neko da mi pošalje/objavi ovde sve komande iz grupa M, G i T. Na primer: M00-čeka se dejstvo operatera pa sve do npr.M66-ručna izmena alata, pa zatim G00-brzo linearno kretanje pa do G90-apsolutne kote za X,Y,Z. Sve to isto samo za komande iz grupe T.
Imam neke od njih ali nemam sve potpuno, većinu verovatno nikad neću ni koristiti ali neka ima spisak. HVALA, POZDRAV
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 33989
Poruke: 109


icon Re: CNC komponente03.03.2006. u 12:37 - pre 222 meseci
Skini ovaj programcic mozda ti pomogne
~4mb ..Ima opcije gde ti pokazuje sta znaci koji G ili M kod itd
btw ako neko zna jos nesto oko mog pitanja nek odgovori .poz
Odgovor na temu

Sam svoj majstor

Član broj: 80861
Poruke: 426

+4 Profil

icon Re: CNC komponente03.03.2006. u 19:33 - pre 222 meseci
MachineMate List of NC Programming Codes
NC Programming as per ISO (DIN 66025) and RS274

G codes simple definition
G 000 Rapid traverse
G 001 Linear interpolation with feedrate
G 002 Circular interpolation (clockwise)
G 003 Circular interpolation (counter clockwise)
G2/G3 Helical interpolation
G 004 Dwell time in milliseconds
G 005 Spline definition
G 006 Spline interpolation
G 007 Tangential circular interpolation / Helix interpolation / Polygon interpolation / Feedrate interpolation
G 008 Ramping function at block transition / Look ahead "off"
G 009 No ramping function at block transition / Look ahead "on"
G 010 Stop dynamic block preprocessing
G 011 Stop interpolation during block preprocessing
G 012 Circular interpolation (cw) with radius
G 013 Circular interpolation (ccw) with radius
G 014 Polar coordinate programming, absolute
G 015 Polar coordinate programming, relative
G 016 Definition of the pole point of the polar coordinate system
G 017 Selection of the X, Y plane
G 018 Selection of the Z, X plane
G 019 Selection of the Y, Z plane
G 020 Selection of a freely definable plane
G 021 Parallel axes "on"
G 022 Parallel axes "off"
G 024 Safe zone programming; lower limit values
G 025 Safe zone programming; upper limit values
G 026 Safe zone programming "off"
G 027 Safe zone programming "on"
G 033 Thread cutting with constant pitch
G 034 Thread cutting with dynamic pitch
G 035 Oscillation configuration
G 038 Mirror imaging "on"
G 039 Mirror imaging "off"
G 040 Path compensations "off"
G 041 Path compensation left of the work piece contour
G 042 Path compensation right of the work piece contour
G 043 Path compensation left of the work piece contour with altered approach
G 044 Path compensation right of the work piece contour with altered approach
G 050 Scaling
G 051 Part rotation; programming in degrees
G 052 Part rotation; programming in radians
G 053 Zero offset off
G 054 Zero offset #1
G 055 Zero offset #2
G 056 Zero offset #3
G 057 Zero offset #4
G 058 Zero offset #5
G 059 Zero offset #6
G 063 Feed / spindle override not active
G 066 Feed / spindle override active
G 070 Inch format active
G 071 Metric format active
G 072 Interpolation with precision stop "off"
G 073 Interpolation with precision stop "on"
G 074 Move to home position
G 075 Curvature function activation
G 076 Curvature acceleration limit
G 078 Normalcy function "on" (rotational axis orientation)
G 079 Normalcy function "off"
G 080 Canned cycle "off"
G 081 Drilling to final depth canned cycle
G 082 Spot facing with dwell time canned cycle
G 083 Deep hole drilling canned cycle
G 084 Tapping or Thread cutting with balanced chuck canned cycle
G 085 Reaming canned cycle
G 086 Boring canned cycle
G 087 Reaming with measuring stop canned cycle
G 088 Boring with spindle stop canned cycle
G 089 Boring with intermediate stop canned cycle
G 090 Absolute programming
G 091 Incremental programming
G 092 Position preset
G 093 Constant tool circumference velocity "on" (grinding wheel)
G 094 Feed in mm / min (or inch / min)
G 095 Feed per revolution (mm / rev or inch / rev)
G 096 Constant cutting speed "on"
G 097 Constant cutting speed "off"
G 098 Positioning axis signal to PLC
G 099 Axis offset

G 100 Polar transformation "off"
G 101 Polar transformation "on"
G 102 Cylinder barrel transformation "on"; cartesian coordinate system
G 103 Cylinder barrel transformation "on," with real-time-radius compensation (RRC)
G 104 Cylinder barrel transformation with center line migration (CLM) and RRC
G 105 Polar transformation "on" with polar axis selections
G 106 Cylinder barrel transformation "on" polar-/cylinder-coordinates
G 107 Cylinder barrel transformation "on" polar-/cylinder-coordinates with RRC
G 108 Cylinder barrel transformation polar-/cylinder-coordinates with CLM and RRC
G 109 Axis transformation programming of the tool depth
G 110 Power control axis selection/channel 1
G 111 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/channel 1 (Voltage, Frequency, Time)
G 112 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/channel 1
G 113 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/channel 1
G 114 Power control pre-selection T4/channel 1
G 115 Power control pre-selection T5/channel 1
G 116 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output
G 117 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output
G 120 Axis transformation; orientation changing of the linear interpolation rotary axis
G 121 Axis transformation; orientation change in a plane
G 125 Electronic gear box; plain teeth
G 126 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, axial
G 127 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, tangential
G 128 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, diagonal
G 130 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change
G 131 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change
G 132 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change
G 133 Zero lag thread cutting "on"
G 134 Zero lag thread cutting "off"
G 140 Axis transformation; orientation designation work piece fixed coordinates
G 141 Axis transformation; orientation designation active coordinates
G 160 ART activation
G 161 ART learning function for velocity factors "on"
G 162 ART learning function deactivation
G 163 ART learning function for acceleration factors
G 164 ART learning function for acceleration changing
G 165 Command filter "on"
G 166 Command filter "off"
G 170 Digital measuring signals; block transfer with hard stop
G 171 Digital measuring signals; block transfer without hard stop
G 172 Digital measuring signals; block transfer with smooth stop
G 175 SERCOS-identification number "write"
G 176 SERCOS-identification number "read"
G 180 Axis transformation "off"
G 181 Axis transformation "on" with not rotated coordinate system
G 182 Axis transformation "on" with rotated / displaced coordinate system
G 183 Axis transformation; definition of the coordinate system
G 184 Axis transformation; programming tool dimensions
G 186 Look ahead; corner acceleration; circle tolerance
G 188 Activation of the positioning axes
G 190 Diameter programming deactivation
G 191 Diameter programming "on" and display of the contact point
G 192 Diameter programming; only display contact point diameter
G 193 Diameter programming; only display contact point actual axes center point

G 200 Corner smoothing "off"
G 201 Corner smoothing "on" with defined radius
G 202 Corner smoothing "on" with defined corner tolerance
G 203 Corner smoothing with defined radius up to maximum tolerance
G 210 Power control axis selection/Channel 2
G 211 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/Channel 2
G 212 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/Channel 2
G 213 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/Channel 2
G 214 Power control pre-selection T4/Channel 2
G 215 Power control pre-selection T5/Channel 2
G 216 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output/Channel 2
G 217 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output/Channel 2
G 220 Angled wheel transformation "off"
G 221 Angled wheel transformation "on"
G 222 Angled wheel transformation "on" but angled wheel moves before others
G 223 Angled wheel transformation "on" but angled wheel moves after others
G 265 Distance regulation – axis selection
G 270 Turning finishing cycle
G 271 Stock removal in turning
G 272 Stock removal in facing
G 274 Peck finishing cycle
G 275 Outer diameter / internal diameter turning cycle
G 276 Multiple pass threading cycle

G 310 Power control axes selection /channel 3
G 311 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/channel 3
G 312 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/channel 3
G 313 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/channel 3
G 314 Power control pre-selection T4/channel 3
G 315 Power control pre-selection T5/channel 3
G 316 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output/Channel 3
G 317 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output/Channel 3

Note that some of the above G-codes are not standard. Specific control features, such as laser power control, enable those optional codes.

M codes simple definition
M 000 Unconditional stop
M 001 Conditional stop
M 002 End of program
M 003 Spindle clockwise
M 004 Spindle counterclockwise
M 005 Spindle stop
M 006 Tool change (see Note below)
M 019 Spindle orientation
M 020 Start oscillation (configured by G35)
M 021 End oscillation
M 030 End of program
M 040 Automatic spindle gear range selection
M 041 Spindle gear transmission step 1
M 042 Spindle gear transmission step 2
M 043 Spindle gear transmission step 3
M 044 Spindle gear transmission step 4
M 045 Spindle gear transmission step 5
M 046 Spindle gear transmission step 6
M 070 Spline definition, beginning and end curve 0
M 071 Spline definition, beginning tangential, end curve 0
M 072 Spline definition, beginning curve 0, end tangential
M 073 Spline definition, beginning and end tangential
M 080 Delete rest of distance using probe function, from axis measuring input
M 081 Drive On application block (resynchronize axis position via PLC signal during the block)

M 101 to M108 Turn off fast output byte bit 1 (to 8)
M 109 Turn off all (8) bits in the fast output byte
M 111 to M118 Turn on fast output byte bit 1 (to 8)
M 121 to M128 Pulsate (on/off) fast output byte bit 1 (to 8)
M 140 Distance regulation “on” (configured by G265)
M 141 Distance regulation “off”
M 150 Delete rest of distance using probe function, for a probe input (one of 16, M151-M168)
M 151 to M158 Digital input byte 1 bit 1 (to bit 8) is the active probe input
M 159 PLC cannot define the bit mask for the probe inputs
M 160 PLC can define the bit mask for the probe inputs (up to 16)
M 161 to M168 Digital input byte 2 bit 1 (to bit 8) is the active probe input
M 170 Continue the block processing look ahead of the part program (cancel the M171)
M 171 Stop the block processing look ahead of the probe input part program segment (like a G10)

M 200 Activate the handwheel operation in the automatic mode (to introduce an offset in the program)
M 201 to M208 Select the axis (by number from 1 to 8) for the handwheel operation
M 209 Activate the handwheel operation in the automatic mode, with PLC control of the axis selection
M 210 Deactivate the handwheel input while in the automatic mode
M 211 Deactivate this handwheel feature and also remove the handwheel offset (if any)
M 213 Spindle 2 clockwise
M 214 Spindle 2 counterclockwise
M 215 Spindle 2 stop
M 280 Switchable spindle/rotary axis, rotary axis on, first combination
M 281 Switchable spindle/rotary axis, rotary axis on, second combination
M 290 Switchable spindle/rotary axis, spindle enabled, first combination
M 291 Switchable spindle/rotary axis, spindle enabled, second combination

Note: Other machine functions, like tool change (usually M06) or coolant control, have their M-code value specified by the PLC application not by the CNC software.

Other M-codes (up to M699) can be handled by the PLC application based on the particular machine requirements.

Back to Product Description
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 85435
Poruke: 725

+25 Profil

icon Re: CNC komponente07.04.2006. u 22:16 - pre 221 meseci
kad se govori o samogradnji u hobi svrhe manja cnc mašina može se kombinovati i od pisaćih mašina iz kojih se mogu izvući klizne staze koje imaju kuglice ili valjčiće pa je trenje gotovo minimalno a ujedno se može i podešavati zazor između vođica. Ujedno tu možemo naći i zupčastu letvu i pogonski zupčanik pa je potrebno samo prilagoditi još poneki zupčanih pa je pogon te ose kompletan.Naravno u toj kobinaciji po y osi pomera se radna površina dok se alat kreće po x osi.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: 3D modelovanje :: CAD/CAM :: CNC komponente

Strane: 1 2

[ Pregleda: 41438 | Odgovora: 22 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.