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Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.06

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Nikola Kocić

Član broj: 19253
Poruke: 764

+17 Profil

icon Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0622.06.2006. u 17:37 - pre 218 meseci
Instalirao sam Kubuntu 6.06 i imam problem sa konektovanjem na Internet. Prvo sam pomocu KPPP-a napravio konekciju i modem je bio automatski prepoznat (Lucent Agere). Kada pokusam da se konektujem, modem "odzuji" i u trenutku kada u Windows-u treba da se poveze, ovde zastane i ceka i onda uradi redial i tako u krug.

Log iz KPPP-a

Jun 22 18:13:53 Slayer01 pppd[5234]: pppd 2.4.4b1 started by kole, uid 1000
Jun 22 18:13:53 Slayer01 pppd[5234]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 22 18:13:53 Slayer01 pppd[5234]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyLTM0
Jun 22 18:14:23 Slayer01 pppd[5234]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun 22 18:14:29 Slayer01 pppd[5234]: Connection terminated.
Jun 22 18:14:29 Slayer01 pppd[5234]: Modem hangup

Onda sam probao sa wvdial-on. Pokrenuo sam
sudo wvdial /etc/wvdial.conf

i onda editovao fajl wvdial.conf da postavim username, password i broj telefona, ali se desava isto kao i u KPPP-u.

Log iz wvdial-a

sudo wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.55
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT042110042
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected.  Waiting for prompt.
--> Don't know what to do!  Starting pppd and hoping for the best.
--> Starting pppd at Thu Jun 22 18:16:23 2006
--> Pid of pppd: 5291
--> Using interface ppp0
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> Disconnecting at Thu Jun 22 18:16:53 2006
--> The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)
--> man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
--> Try again and look into /var/log/messages and the wvdial and pppd man pages for more information.
--> Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds

Probao sam sa savetima sa drugih foruma, tj komande
sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd
sudo chgrp kole /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
sudo chgrp kole /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
sudo chmod u+s /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
sudo chmod u+s /etc/ppp/chap-secrets

ali nije pomoglo. Probao sam i sa drugim provajderom, ali je opet isto. Btw oba provajdera su na 042 broju.

Zna li neko u cemu je problem?
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 93992
Poruke: 993

+22 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0622.06.2006. u 17:45 - pre 218 meseci
Dodaj X3 ili ATX3 naredbama koje se salju modemu.
Odgovor na temu

Nikola Kocić

Član broj: 19253
Poruke: 764

+17 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0622.06.2006. u 19:18 - pre 218 meseci
Opet isto...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 68556
Poruke: 140


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0622.06.2006. u 19:38 - pre 218 meseci
Hm... mislim da jer problem tog modema sto moras da stavis
"stupid mode=1" u taj conf.
e sad nisam siguran da li je bas ta linija ali mislim ds bi to trebalo das resi problem.
2x fujitsu(general) 07LEC + Fujitsu 12LUC
80mkv. spoljni zidovi 25 cm puna cigla 10 cm stiropor, plafon 20 cm mineralna vuna
stolarija PVC , osim dva jako losa drvena prozora koje mislim da promenim u nekim buducim
projektima/dogradnjama oko kuce.
Odgovor na temu

Nikola Kocić

Član broj: 19253
Poruke: 764

+17 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0622.06.2006. u 20:08 - pre 218 meseci
Dodao sam linije

Stupid Mode = 1
Auto DNS = 1

u wvdial.conf ali je opet isto
Odgovor na temu

system administrator

Član broj: 1373
Poruke: 115


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0623.06.2006. u 03:10 - pre 218 meseci
Iz tvog loga i opisa greska mi ne deluje na nivou modema vec na nivou PPP-a to jest oko dogovora oko ppp konekcije NAKON uspostavljanja veze... sad sta je tu tacno lose tesko je proceniti iz tvog loga.. ali proveri sve parametre oko providera jos jednom... pokusaj da se konektujes na net sa necim pored kppp-a i wvdiala!!.. recimo pomocu neke rucne skripte... cisto da bi imao bolji uvid u ono sto se desava nakon uspostavljanja veze.. ili probaj da debug nivou povisis da bi logovi imali vise informacija.......

>>-!dmc/dtc!-<< >> <<
Odgovor na temu

Nikola Kocić

Član broj: 19253
Poruke: 764

+17 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0623.06.2006. u 11:50 - pre 218 meseci
Probao sam i pomoću pppd-a, ali se isto dešava. Možeš li mi reći kako da podesim to da mi se prikazuju detaljniji logovi?
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Mali

Član broj: 9434
Poruke: 61


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0623.06.2006. u 14:06 - pre 218 meseci
Da li si u /etc/ppp/options fajlu stavio # kod opcije auth?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 87291
Poruke: 142


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0625.06.2006. u 20:31 - pre 218 meseci
Imao sam je vrlo sličan problem na ubuntu 5.10 ali sa SMLink modemom!
Jesi možda dirao šta u /etc/wvdial.conf prije postavljanja modema? Ja jesam pa sam kasnije imao problema!
Riješio sam to tako da sam obrisao sve iz wvdial.conf i sačuvao file ta nakon toga pokrenio
$ sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
pustiš ga da odradi!
Onda izmijeniš wvdial.conf tako da dodaš svoje podatke i još nešta sitno
Treba dodati na kraju
Carrier check = no
I morao sam izmijeniti : Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
u : Init2 = ATQ0 X3 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Ako to ne izmjenim javlja mi grešku no dial tone!
Najveća greška je bila što sam probao ručno prvo postaviti wvdial i onda sam ga postavio za drugi modem a njemu je važno i kojim redom pišu podaci inače ti javi 'Don't know what to do!'
Probaj prvo samo dodat 'Carrier check = no' , jer vidim da nemaš problema sa dial tone!
...trying to do my best...
Odgovor na temu

Davor Grubelić
Davor Grubelić

Član broj: 46879
Poruke: 280

ICQ: 341103380


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0625.06.2006. u 22:47 - pre 218 meseci
ovo me podsjeća i na problem koji sam ja imao sa svoji conexant modemom.
javljao mi je iste greške (mislim na ovo)


sudo wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.55
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ       (ovaj string sam promijenio u AT&FW3+MS=V92,1,28800,33600,28800,56000)
--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT042110042
--> Waiting for carrier.
--> Carrier detected.  Waiting for prompt.
--> Don't know what to do!  Starting pppd and hoping for the best.
--> Starting pppd at Thu Jun 22 18:16:23 2006
--> Pid of pppd: 5291
--> Using interface ppp0
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> pppd: [05][08]
--> Disconnecting at Thu Jun 22 18:16:53 2006
--> The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)
--> man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
--> Try again and look into /var/log/messages and the wvdial and pppd man pages for more information.
--> Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds

dobivao sam to dok nisam inicijalizacijski string init1 promijenio iz ATZ u AT&FW3+MS=V92,1,28800,33600,28800,56000

Ali kažem to je za conexant modem. malo proguglaj i vidi kako treba izgledat init1 za tvoj modem. a probaj i ovaj. možda proradi.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 20536
Poruke: 1130

+394 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0626.06.2006. u 00:38 - pre 218 meseci
Pa ti koristiš Neobee dial up na linuxu. :)))))))))
Romanes Eunt Domus
Odgovor na temu

Davor Grubelić
Davor Grubelić

Član broj: 46879
Poruke: 280

ICQ: 341103380


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0626.06.2006. u 00:59 - pre 218 meseci
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 20536
Poruke: 1130

+394 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0626.06.2006. u 18:24 - pre 218 meseci
Recimo da i ja patim zbog istog problema. :)
Romanes Eunt Domus
Odgovor na temu

Davor Grubelić
Davor Grubelić

Član broj: 46879
Poruke: 280

ICQ: 341103380


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0626.06.2006. u 18:56 - pre 218 meseci
a onda je vjerojatno do providera...
Odgovor na temu

system administrator

Član broj: 1373
Poruke: 115


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0627.06.2006. u 05:40 - pre 218 meseci
Ja koristim Neobee preko linuxa .. prema tome.. nije do providera!!.......
>>-!dmc/dtc!-<< >> <<
Odgovor na temu

Davor Grubelić
Davor Grubelić

Član broj: 46879
Poruke: 280

ICQ: 341103380


icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0627.06.2006. u 09:28 - pre 218 meseci
e pa onda nek neko objasni ove nesluglasice...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 20536
Poruke: 1130

+394 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0627.06.2006. u 21:44 - pre 218 meseci
dmc: Ja koristim Neobee preko linuxa .. prema tome.. nije do providera!!.......

I nije bilo nikakvih problema sa podešavanjem dial up konekcije? Zašto ja onda mogu da se konektujem na sve ostale provajdere iz linuxa, samo ne na neobee?
Romanes Eunt Domus
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 72595
Poruke: 491

+1017 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0615.07.2006. u 11:08 - pre 218 meseci
I ja imam potpuno isti problem.........
probao sam vise provajdera ali dzaba. Ima li neko resenje, a da nije auth i tako to... Koje su init komande za LT modeme? Nek neko baci svoj (K)ubuntu /etc/ppp/options
Odgovor na temu

tarik bruncevic

Član broj: 25325
Poruke: 17



icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0606.10.2006. u 12:52 - pre 215 meseci
meni je htelo na cni provajder,a na verat mi sad nece,ne znam stvarno do cega je,sve sam probao.
posetite novopazarski izlog,i najvecu bazu novopazarskih slika,starih(1918.1950...)i
novih (2007).
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 44991
Poruke: 357

+2 Profil

icon Re: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.0606.10.2006. u 21:29 - pre 215 meseci

# /etc/ppp/options
# Originally created by Jim Knoble <[email protected]>
# Modified for Debian by alvar Bray <[email protected]>
# Modified for PPP Server setup by Christoph Lameter <[email protected]>
# To quickly see what options are active in this file, use this command:
# egrep -v '#|^ *$' /etc/ppp/options

# Specify which DNS Servers the incoming Win95 or WinNT Connection should use
# Two Servers can be remotely configured
# ms-dns
# ms-dns

# Specify which WINS Servers the incoming connection Win95 or WinNT should use
# ms-wins
# ms-wins

# Run the executable or shell command specified after pppd has
# terminated the link. This script could, for example, issue commands
# to the modem to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals
# were not available.
#disconnect "chat -- \d+++\d\c OK ath0 OK"

# async character map -- 32-bit hex; each bit is a character
# that needs to be escaped for pppd to receive it. 0x00000001
# represents '\x01', and 0x80000000 represents '\x1f'.
asyncmap 0

# Require the peer to authenticate itself before allowing network
# packets to be sent or received.
# Please do not disable this setting. It is expected to be standard in
# future releases of pppd. Use the call option (see manpage) to disable
# authentication for specific peers.

# Use hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Use software flow control (i.e. XON/XOFF) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Specifies that certain characters should be escaped on transmission
# (regardless of whether the peer requests them to be escaped with its
# async control character map). The characters to be escaped are
# specified as a list of hex numbers separated by commas. Note that
# almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike
# the asyncmap option which only allows control characters to be
# specified. The characters which may not be escaped are those with hex
# values 0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e.
#escape 11,13,ff

# Don't use the modem control lines.

# Specifies that pppd should use a UUCP-style lock on the serial device
# to ensure exclusive access to the device.

# Don't show the passwords when logging the contents of PAP packets.
# This is the default.

# When logging the contents of PAP packets, this option causes pppd to
# show the password string in the log message.

# Use the modem control lines. On Ultrix, this option implies hardware
# flow control, as for the crtscts option. (This option is not fully
# implemented.)

# Set the MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] value to <n> for negotiation. pppd
# will ask the peer to send packets of no more than <n> bytes. The
# minimum MRU value is 128. The default MRU value is 1500. A value of
# 296 is recommended for slow links (40 bytes for TCP/IP header + 256
# bytes of data).
#mru 542

# Set the interface netmask to <n>, a 32 bit netmask in "decimal dot"
# notation (e.g.

# Disables the default behaviour when no local IP address is specified,
# which is to determine (if possible) the local IP address from the
# hostname. With this option, the peer will have to supply the local IP
# address during IPCP negotiation (unless it specified explicitly on the
# command line or in an options file).

# Enables the "passive" option in the LCP. With this option, pppd will
# attempt to initiate a connection; if no reply is received from the
# peer, pppd will then just wait passively for a valid LCP packet from
# the peer (instead of exiting, as it does without this option).

# With this option, pppd will not transmit LCP packets to initiate a
# connection until a valid LCP packet is received from the peer (as for
# the "passive" option with old versions of pppd).

# Don't request or allow negotiation of any options for LCP and IPCP
# (use default values).

# Disable Address/Control compression negotiation (use default, i.e.
# address/control field disabled).

# Disable asyncmap negotiation (use the default asyncmap, i.e. escape
# all control characters).

# Don't fork to become a background process (otherwise pppd will do so
# if a serial device is specified).

# Disable IP address negotiation (with this option, the remote IP
# address must be specified with an option on the command line or in
# an options file).

# Disable IPCP negotiation and IP communication. This option should
# only be required if the peer is buggy and gets confused by requests
# from pppd for IPCP negotiation.

# Disable magic number negotiation. With this option, pppd cannot
# detect a looped-back line.

# Disable MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] negotiation (use default, i.e.
# 1500).

# Disable protocol field compression negotiation (use default, i.e.
# protocol field compression disabled).

# Require the peer to authenticate itself using PAP.

# Don't agree to authenticate using PAP.

# Require the peer to authenticate itself using CHAP [Cryptographic
# Handshake Authentication Protocol] authentication.

# Don't agree to authenticate using CHAP.

# Disable negotiation of Van Jacobson style IP header compression (use
# default, i.e. no compression).

# Increase debugging level (same as -d). If this option is given, pppd
# will log the contents of all control packets sent or received in a
# readable form. The packets are logged through syslog with facility
# daemon and level debug. This information can be directed to a file by
# setting up /etc/syslog.conf appropriately (see syslog.conf(5)). (If
# pppd is compiled with extra debugging enabled, it will log messages
# using facility local2 instead of daemon).

# Append the domain name <d> to the local host name for authentication
# purposes. For example, if gethostname() returns the name porsche,
# but the fully qualified domain name is porsche.Quotron.COM, you would
# use the domain option to set the domain name to Quotron.COM.
#domain <d>

# Enable debugging code in the kernel-level PPP driver. The argument n
# is a number which is the sum of the following values: 1 to enable
# general debug messages, 2 to request that the contents of received
# packets be printed, and 4 to request that the contents of transmitted
# packets be printed.
#kdebug n

# Set the MTU [Maximum Transmit Unit] value to <n>. Unless the peer
# requests a smaller value via MRU negotiation, pppd will request that
# the kernel networking code send data packets of no more than n bytes
# through the PPP network interface.
#mtu <n>

# Set the name of the local system for authentication purposes to <n>.
# This is a privileged option. With this option, pppd will use lines in the
# secrets files which have <n> as the second field when looking for a
# secret to use in authenticating the peer. In addition, unless overridden
# with the user option, <n> will be used as the name to send to the peer
# when authenticating the local system to the peer. (Note that pppd does
# not append the domain name to <n>.)
#name <n>

# Enforce the use of the hostname as the name of the local system for
# authentication purposes (overrides the name option).

# Set the assumed name of the remote system for authentication purposes
# to <n>.
#remotename <n>

# Add an entry to this system's ARP [Address Resolution Protocol]
# table with the IP address of the peer and the Ethernet address of this
# system.

# Use the system password database for authenticating the peer using
# PAP. Note: mgetty already provides this option. If this is specified
# then dialin from users using a script under Linux to fire up ppp wont work.
# login

# If this option is given, pppd will send an LCP echo-request frame to the
# peer every n seconds. Normally the peer should respond to the echo-request
# by sending an echo-reply. This option can be used with the
# lcp-echo-failure option to detect that the peer is no longer connected.
lcp-echo-interval 30

# If this option is given, pppd will presume the peer to be dead if n
# LCP echo-requests are sent without receiving a valid LCP echo-reply.
# If this happens, pppd will terminate the connection. Use of this
# option requires a non-zero value for the lcp-echo-interval parameter.
# This option can be used to enable pppd to terminate after the physical
# connection has been broken (e.g., the modem has hung up) in
# situations where no hardware modem control lines are available.
lcp-echo-failure 4

# Set the LCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to <n> seconds
# (default 3).
#lcp-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of LCP terminate-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 3).
#lcp-max-terminate <n>

# Set the maximum number of LCP configure-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 10).
#lcp-max-configure <n>

# Set the maximum number of LCP configure-NAKs returned before starting
# to send configure-Rejects instead to <n> (default 10).
#lcp-max-failure <n>

# Set the IPCP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to <n>
# seconds (default 3).
#ipcp-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of IPCP terminate-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 3).
#ipcp-max-terminate <n>

# Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-request transmissions to <n>
# (default 10).
#ipcp-max-configure <n>

# Set the maximum number of IPCP configure-NAKs returned before starting
# to send configure-Rejects instead to <n> (default 10).
#ipcp-max-failure <n>

# Set the PAP restart interval (retransmission timeout) to <n> seconds
# (default 3).
#pap-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of PAP authenticate-request transmissions to
# <n> (default 10).
#pap-max-authreq <n>

# Set the maximum time that pppd will wait for the peer to authenticate
# itself with PAP to <n> seconds (0 means no limit).
#pap-timeout <n>

# Set the CHAP restart interval (retransmission timeout for
# challenges) to <n> seconds (default 3).
#chap-restart <n>

# Set the maximum number of CHAP challenge transmissions to <n>
# (default 10).

# If this option is given, pppd will rechallenge the peer every <n>
# seconds.
#chap-interval <n>

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of our local IP
# address, even if the local IP address was specified in an option.

# With this option, pppd will accept the peer's idea of its (remote) IP
# address, even if the remote IP address was specified in an option.

# Disable the IPXCP and IPX protocols.
# To let pppd pass IPX packets comment this out --- you'll probably also
# want to install ipxripd, and have the Internal IPX Network option enabled
# in your kernel. /usr/doc/HOWTO/IPX-HOWTO.gz contains more info.

# Exit once a connection has been made and terminated. This is the default,
# unless the `persist' or `demand' option has been specified.

# Do not exit after a connection is terminated; instead try to reopen
# the connection.

# Terminate after n consecutive failed connection attempts.
# A value of 0 means no limit. The default value is 10.
#maxfail <n>

# Initiate the link only on demand, i.e. when data traffic is present.
# With this option, the remote IP address must be specified by the user on
# the command line or in an options file. Pppd will initially configure
# the interface and enable it for IP traffic without connecting to the peer.
# When traffic is available, pppd will connect to the peer and perform
# negotiation, authentication, etc. When this is completed, pppd will
# commence passing data packets (i.e., IP packets) across the link.

# Specifies that pppd should disconnect if the link is idle for <n> seconds.
# The link is idle when no data packets (i.e. IP packets) are being sent or
# received. Note: it is not advisable to use this option with the persist
# option without the demand option. If the active-filter option is given,
# data packets which are rejected by the specified activity filter also
# count as the link being idle.
#idle <n>

# Specifies how many seconds to wait before re-initiating the link after
# it terminates. This option only has any effect if the persist or demand
# option is used. The holdoff period is not applied if the link was
# terminated because it was idle.
#holdoff <n>

# Wait for up n milliseconds after the connect script finishes for a valid
# PPP packet from the peer. At the end of this time, or when a valid PPP
# packet is received from the peer, pppd will commence negotiation by
# sending its first LCP packet. The default value is 1000 (1 second).
# This wait period only applies if the connect or pty option is used.
#connect-delay <n>

# Packet filtering: for more information, see pppd(8)
# Any packets matching the filter expression will be interpreted as link
# activity, and will cause a "demand" connection to be activated, and reset
# the idle connection timer. (idle option)
# The filter expression is akin to that of tcpdump(1)
#active-filter <filter-expression>

# ---<End of File>---

a u /etc/ppp/peers/kppp-options sam stavio noauth
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[es] :: Linux :: Dial-up problem Kubuntu 6.06

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